Our sources of funding from public are:

1. Annual Open Day
Every year, the children's home will organize an Open Day as part of its funding programme. During Open Day, stalls are set up selling food, drinks, souvenirs, clothing, etc to raise funds. As part of this effort, coupons are sold to members of the public, friends, donors or sponsors. We gratefully welcome both Corporations or Individuals who wish to sponsor our stalls or donate funds towards this event.
2. Flag Day
As with other organizations, The Salvation Army also organizes a Flag Day annual event to raise funds for our programmes in and around Penang. Children from the Home as well as volunteers will go around with tin cans collecting donations and giving out small tokens of flag tickets bearing our logo.

During the Christmas season, our children and volunteers can be seen at shopping complexes with the Christmas Kettle. Passers-by are invited to drop a donation into the kettle in return for a calendar or small flag token.
4. Chinese New Year Appeal
Annually during the Chinese New Year period, we will send out mailing appeals to our donors, sponsors and members of the public for funding. We are blessed with funding coming from various communities in Penang.
5. Family Thrift Store (Charity Shop)
Used, leftover or second-hand goods donated to The Salvation Army are sold through our Family Thrift Store (also known as Charity Shop), and funds are then channelled back into The Salvation Army. (While some goods donated are distributed directly to the needy, it is not logistically or economically possible to give away all donated goods.) This in turn enables us to assist those who are in need in an effective and organized manner.
6. Major Donors
We also recognise and honour individuals, institutions, corporations, foundations, trusts and associations whose annual gift of RM5,000 or more have contributed to supporting our social welfare services.
7. Will & Bequests
We are grateful to those who have remembered The Salvation Army in their will and bequeathed sums of money, property, possession, etc to our us. These bequests will be effectively channelled into our programmes to help as many as of those in need of help as possible.
Other source of income:
1. A small number of our programmes and services are supported by Federal and State government grants. We would like to thank the Malaysian government for their help in this area.